Abstract: Classes java.util.Random and java.util.SplittableRandom didn't used to have a common ancestor, making it difficult to write methods that take either. This was finally fixed in Java 17. Let's have a look at some random Java topics together.
Welcome to the 315th edition of The Java(tm) Specialists' Newsletter. It is the third leap year in a row that we sent our newsletter on the 29th of February. A very happy leap birthday for all those happy folks born on this day.
At the end of 2023, we did a major cleanup of our mailing list. We have subscribers going back 23 years. Some have moved on to other technologies, others have retired. I sent out several reminders to switch to the new list, but in case you didn't receive that, please head over to our website and sign up again. Please let me know if you've changed your email address, so we can merge your accounts. This also means that we now have a leaner, but more potent, email list. I believe The Java(tm) Specialists' Newsletter is the longest continuously active Java newsletter, followed three weeks later by Jack Shirazi's excellent Java Performance Tuning Newsletter.
javaspecialists.teachable.com: Please visit our new self-study course catalog to see how you can upskill your Java knowledge.
We sent out an email to our refreshed newsletter mailing list, inviting subscribers to add their name to our JCrete Lottery for 2024. We ran the lottery last week, and the code looked like this:
import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.*; public class JCrete2024Lottery { public static void main(String... args) { pickRandom(2, "AS", "AVV", "CS", "DP", "FZ", "IK", "IV", "J-HS", "JM", "LP", "MB", "MD", "MG", "MM", "NB", "SB", "SW"); pickRandom(10, "AdRe", "AdWo", "AlFe", "AlKe", "AlSh", "ÁnÁl", "AnLä", "AnNi", "AnPa", "ArGa", "ChPa", "DaDa", "DaSa", "DaSc", "DaVl", "DiKa", "EmGk", "EmTz", "EnIb", "GeKa", "GüKo", "InBu", "IsJa", "JoVi", "MaAl", "MaBü", "MaHa", "MuNu", "NaBa", "OlNe", "OtCa", "PaNu", "PaPi", "RaAr", "RaSt", "RaTh", "RiDe", "ShMu", "SiBr", "TaPa", "TiMi", "VeYa", "ViTa"); } private static void pickRandom(int seats, String... initials) { System.out.println(STR."Picking \{seats} attendees:"); System.out.println(STR.""" Chance is \{seats} in \{initials.length}, \ thus \{seats * 100 / initials.length}%\ """); var lottery = new ArrayList<>(List.of(initials)); Collections.shuffle(lottery, ThreadLocalRandom.current()); lottery.stream().limit(seats).forEach(System.out::println); } }
One of the hopefuls sent me a question as to why I would use ThreadLocalRandom.current()
as the random algorithm in the shuffle()
method, which then spawned this newsletter.
Towards the end of 2023, we launched the self-study version of our Mastering Java 17 course. The reason it took so long to produce is that we wanted to first present it as an inhouse course several times in order to fine tune it. Since companies take a while to adopt new Java versions, we only started getting requests for inhouse Java 17 classes in 2023.
One of the new features of Java 17 is the RandomGenerator
interface. This
interface, or something like this, should have been in Java 1.0. Prior to
Java 17, any class for generating random numbers would typically extend the
class, for example java.security.SecureRandom
. However, when we subclass
, we carry along all the baggage that comes with it. For
example, java.util.Random
is threadsafe, using compare-and-set with
. Most of the functions produce uniformly distributed numbers,
meaning that all values are equally likely. In reality there are some values
that we could never see, as described in Pushing
the Limits in Java's Random. However, the thread safety is
fairly expensive to implement, because of the way the algorithm is written:
protected int next(int bits) { long oldseed, nextseed; AtomicLong seed = this.seed; do { oldseed = seed.get(); nextseed = (oldseed * multiplier + addend) & mask; } while (!seed.compareAndSet(oldseed, nextseed)); return (int)(nextseed >>> (48 - bits)); }
We see that there is a fairly long code path between reading the
current seed and when we call compareAndSet()
. The longer the
path, the higher the probability that during contention we will
lose the race and will have to try again. We might ask: "It is
random, why do we care about race conditions?" That is a good
question indeed. I guess it is important to know that it is
threadsafe, and that this may introduce contention. Consider this
import java.util.stream.*; public class MathRandomComparison { private static double randomValue() { return Math.random(); } public static void main(String... args) { System.out.println(IntStream.range(0, 100_000_000) .mapToDouble(i -> randomValue()) .sum()); } }
If we run it as-is on my MacBook Pro M2 Max, it takes about 1.7 seconds of
real time, with an equivalent of 1.7 seconds of CPU time. If we use a parallel stream,
instead takes 80 seconds of real time, with a whopping 800 seconds of CPU
time. Yikes! If we also make randomValue()
synchronized with the paralle stream, the time drops to
10 seconds of real time, with 12 seconds of CPU time. Of course, none of these
are good solutions. Much better is to use ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextDouble()
instead of Math.random()
, in which case with a parallel stream we drop to 74 ms of real time, with
600 ms of CPU time.
You might wonder how we measured the real and CPU time. Real is easy - just use System.nanoTime()
But for CPU time, we want to use the ThreadMXBean
, find all the CPU time of the parallel stream
threads before and after and add them up. This would not work in a production system,
other threads might also run parallel streams at the same time. But for us it is "good
Another approach would be to set the java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.common.threadFactory
system property and to then capture all the threads that are working in the parallel
import java.lang.management.*; import java.util.concurrent.*; import java.util.function.*; import java.util.stream.*; public class TimeMeasurer { public static void main(String... args) { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { test(MathRandomComparison::main); } } private static void test(Runnable task) { // find all the thread ids of the parallel stream threads var parallelism = ForkJoinPool.getCommonPoolParallelism(); var phaser = new Phaser(parallelism); var threads = IntStream.range(0, parallelism) .parallel() .mapToObj(i -> { phaser.arriveAndAwaitAdvance(); return Thread.currentThread(); }) .collect(Collectors.toUnmodifiableSet()); var startCpuTimes = threads.stream() .collect(Collectors.toMap(Function.identity(), TimeMeasurer::getThreadCpuTime)); var realTime = System.nanoTime(); task.run(); realTime = System.nanoTime() - realTime; var cpuTimes = startCpuTimes.entrySet().stream() .mapToLong(entry -> { long start = entry.getValue(); long end = getThreadCpuTime(entry.getKey()); return end - start; }) .sum(); System.out.printf("realTime = %dms, cpuTimes = %dms%n", realTime / 1_000_000, cpuTimes / 1_000_000); } private static final ThreadMXBean tmb = ManagementFactory.getThreadMXBean(); private static long getThreadCpuTime(Thread thread) { return tmb.getThreadCpuTime(thread.threadId()); } }
We see that using ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextDouble()
is a
lot faster than Math.random()
. However, ThreadLocalRandom
is still
subclassed from java.util.Random
. In Java 17, they introduced a
new interface RandomGenerator
, which would allow us to plug in
different random number generators. It all starts with the
, which also displays what attributes the
algorithm will have (splittable, stochastic, jumpable, etc.)
There are quite a few shipped as part of standard Java:
import java.lang.reflect.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.random.*; import java.util.stream.*; public class ShowGenerators { public static void main(String... args) { Stream.of(RandomGeneratorFactory.class.getMethods()) .filter(method -> method.getName().startsWith("is")) .sorted(Comparator.comparing(Method::getName)) .forEach(ShowGenerators::printAttributeDetails); } private static void printAttributeDetails(Method method) { System.out.println(method.getName() + ":"); RandomGeneratorFactory.all() .filter(factory -> { try { return (boolean) method.invoke(factory); } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } }) .map(RandomGeneratorFactory::create) .map(Object::getClass) .map(Class::getSimpleName) .sorted() .map("\t%s"::formatted) .forEach(System.out::println); } }
When we run this code, we see:
isArbitrarilyJumpable: isDeprecated: isHardware: isJumpable: Xoroshiro128PlusPlus Xoshiro256PlusPlus isLeapable: Xoroshiro128PlusPlus Xoshiro256PlusPlus isSplittable: L128X1024MixRandom L128X128MixRandom L128X256MixRandom L32X64MixRandom L64X1024MixRandom L64X128MixRandom L64X128StarStarRandom L64X256MixRandom SplittableRandom isStatistical: L128X1024MixRandom L128X128MixRandom L128X256MixRandom L32X64MixRandom L64X1024MixRandom L64X128MixRandom L64X128StarStarRandom L64X256MixRandom Random SplittableRandom Xoroshiro128PlusPlus Xoshiro256PlusPlus isStochastic: SecureRandom isStreamable: L128X1024MixRandom L128X128MixRandom L128X256MixRandom L32X64MixRandom L64X1024MixRandom L64X128MixRandom L64X128StarStarRandom L64X256MixRandom SplittableRandom Xoroshiro128PlusPlus Xoshiro256PlusPlus
Since ThreadLocalRandom
does not have a RandomGeneratorFactory
, it is not
listed here, but it is similar to SplittableRandom
We might also ask ourselves what the difference between
streamable, splittable, jumpable, etc.? They have are
represented by different inner interfaces. Here is an
excerpt from RandomGenerator
, to give us some idea of what
the jumping and leaping is all about. For more information,
please refer to JEP 356
and the Javadoc for java.util.random.RandomGenerator.
public interface RandomGenerator { /** * The {@link StreamableGenerator} interface augments the * {@link RandomGenerator} interface to provide methods that * return streams of {@link RandomGenerator} objects. * Ideally, such a stream of objects would have the property * that the behavior of each object is statistically * independent of all the others. In practice, one may have * to settle for some approximation to this property. */ interface StreamableGenerator extends RandomGenerator { Stream<RandomGenerator> rngs(); } /** * This interface is designed to provide a common protocol * for objects that generate sequences of pseudorandom values * and can be <i>split</i> into two objects (the original one * and a new one) each of which obey that same protocol (and * therefore can be recursively split indefinitely). */ interface SplittableGenerator extends StreamableGenerator { SplittableGenerator split(); } /** * This interface is designed to provide a common protocol * for objects that generate pseudorandom values and can * easily <i>jump</i> forward, by a moderate amount (ex. * 2<sup>64</sup>) to a distant point in the state cycle. */ interface JumpableGenerator extends StreamableGenerator { void jump(); double jumpDistance(); RandomGenerator copyAndJump(); } /** * This interface is designed to provide a common protocol * for objects that generate sequences of pseudorandom values * and can easily not only jump but also <i>leap</i> forward, * by a large amount (ex. 2<sup>128</sup>), to a very distant * point in the state cycle. */ interface LeapableGenerator extends JumpableGenerator { void leap(); double leapDistance(); JumpableGenerator copyAndLeap(); } /** * This interface is designed to provide a common protocol * for objects that generate sequences of pseudorandom values * and can easily <i>jump</i> forward, by an arbitrary * amount, to a distant point in the state cycle. */ interface ArbitrarilyJumpableGenerator extends LeapableGenerator { void jumpPowerOfTwo(int logDistance); void jump(double distance); ArbitrarilyJumpableGenerator copyAndJump(double distance); } }
We also see in the list that the only stochastic
implementation is SecureRandom
. For cryptographic work, this
is AFAIK our only option in Java. It can be quite slow,
because it would typically source the randomness from an
external source such as /dev/random or even from hardware. On my MacBook, it takes
13 seconds for the sequential stream MathRandomComparison
as opposed to 1.7s for Math.random()
Was there any point in using ThreadLocalRandom
for my JCrete
2024 lottery, or was I just showing off? Well, it might be
microscopically faster, but not enough to use it. I guess it
is just a habit. A more random number generator would have
been SecureRandom
. Either way, we only had 12 extra
seats to give away. We are quite crowded this year, because the venue is
being renovated and thus we don't have access to as many
Kind regards
We are always happy to receive comments from our readers. Feel free to send me a comment via email or discuss the newsletter in our JavaSpecialists Slack Channel (Get an invite here)
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