In this newsletter, we explore how we can visit the entire hierarchy of threads in our virtual machine, including virtual threads. We do this using the composite, visitor and facade design patterns. Full Article
The LinkedBlockingQueue and LinkedBlockingDeque behave slightly differently when methods put() and take() are called by a thread that happens to be in the "interrupted" state. The LBQ throws an InterruptedException immediately when we call take(), even if the queue contains elements. The LBD, how... Full Article
ReentrantReadWriteLock has a limit of 65536 concurrent read locks. That is an unattainable number with platform threads, but definitely achievable with virtual threads. In this newsletter we explore some of the issues if we want to switch to the StampedLock.asReadWriteLock() instead. Full Article
Java's Thread.yield() traditionally would cause a voluntary context switch. However, with virtual threads, it causes the thread to be unmounted from its carrier thread. This can greatly increase the user and system time for ALL the carrier threads. And there is no way to turn it off. Keep an eye ... Full Article
Like many other concurrent collections, the ArrayBlockingQueue sports a weakly-consistent iterator. However, the ArrayBlockingQueue always has a maximum capacity, the length of the underlying array. In this newsletter we explore what happens to pending iterators when we wrap around the circular a... Full Article
Virtual threads should not be used for CPU intensive tasks. The recommended approach is to continue using parallel streams for processing large data sets. However, we should be careful when invoking a parallel stream from a virtual thread. In this newsletter we propose a "safety valve" that can p... Full Article
BigInteger has clever algorithms for multiplying large numbers. Unfortunately multiply() is single-threaded. Until now. In this newsletter I describe how the new parallelMultiply() method works and also how we can all contribute to the OpenJDK. Full Article
Virtual threads can deadlock, just like platform threads. Depending on what state they are in, this might be quite challenging to analyze. In this newsletter we explore some tricks on how to find and solve them. Full Article
As from this month, Project Loom is part of the mainstream OpenJDK as a preview feature. Expect fantastical results, as bloggers around the world kick the tyres of this fantastic technology. In this newsletter we show how we can have over 36 billion parked virtual threads in just 4 gigabytes of m... Full Article
Locking on Integer objects has always been a bad idea. And we now have a way to find such bad code with a runtime switch DiagnoseSyncOnValueBasedClasses. Full Article
LinkedHashSet is a set that can also maintain order. To make this thread-safe, we can wrap it with Collections.synchronizedSet(). However, this is not a good option, because iteration would still be fast-fail. And what's the point of a thread-safe LinkedHashSet that we cannot iterate over? In thi... Full Article
CountDownLatch is easy to understand, but can be hard to use, especially the await() method that throws InterruptedException. In this newsletter we show how we can create our own synchronizer based on the AbstractQueuedSynchronizer. Full Article
When is it safe for a CopyOnWriteArrayList to accept the result from a toArray() method? In the past, the only thing that mattered was that the type was Object[]. But this was changed in 2020 to only accept the array if the source was a java.util.ArrayList. Full Article
Biased locking has made unnecessary mutexes cheap for over a decade. However, it is disabled by default in Java 15, slated for removal. From Java 15 onwards we should be more diligent to avoid synchronized in places where we do not need it. Full Article
The Java ReentrantReadWriteLock can never ever upgrade a read lock to a write lock. Kotlin's extension function ReentrantReadWriteLock.write() cheats a bit by letting go of the read lock before upgrading, thus opening the door for race conditions. A better solution is StampedLock, which has a met... Full Article
Java 11 added the HttpClient to give us a better way to send HTTP requests. It supports asynchronous and synchronous mode. HTTP2 comes out of the box. The threading is a bit funky though and Professor Cay Horstmann explores how things work underneath the covers. Full Article
In our previous newsletter, we showed 14 typical questions that interviewers ask to find out if we know threading. Here are our model answers. Use them with caution. The interviewer is probably reading my newsletter. Full Article
Asking detailed threading questions during an interview is like asking a football player to prove that he can sing well. Not necessarily relevant to their job description. And yet we see this commonly for Java jobs. In this newsletter we consider more than a dozen real questions that technical... Full Article
ConcurrentLinkedQueue's size() method is not very useful in a multi-threaded environment, because it counts the number of elements in the queue, rather than relying on a "hot field" to store the size. The result might be completely incorrect, or in strange situations, never return. Full Article
Java 7 gave us a brilliant new class called Phaser, which we can use to coordinate actions between threads. It replaces both CountDownLatch and CyclicBarrier, which are easier to understand, but harder to use. Full Article
Java 9 is more strict about what system internal classes we can use. So how can we use @Contended in Java 9? This article shows you how. Full Article
Most programmers had a blind spot with the statement "arr[size++] = e;" We somehow think that size will be updated after the assignment. In this newsletter we look at this basic concurrency bug and also present a solution in the form of the Java 8 StampedLock. Full Article
In the previous newsletter, we sent out a threading puzzle for you to solve. Here are some hints to help you figure out what is going on. Full Article
"Friends don't let friends write low-level concurrency by themselves." -@karianna. Here is your chance to participate in a global code review puzzle to figure out what's going on in some synchronized code. Full Article
Most of the time our code fails because of bugs in our code. Rarely, however, bugs in the JVM ecosystem cause our systems to fail. These are insanely difficult to diagnose in production systems. In this newsletter we look at two different such race conditions between our code and the JVM. Full Article
Whenever we have thread pools in our system, we need to make their size configurable. In this follow-up, we continue looking at some issues with the common fork/join pool that is used in Java 8. Full Article
Java 8 magically makes all our code run in parallel. If you believe that, I've got a tower in Paris that I'm trying to sell. Really good price. In this newsletter we look at how the parallism is determined and how we can influence it. Full Article
One of the techniques we use to ensure that a non-threadsafe class can still be used by multiple threads is to give each thread its own instance. We call this "thread confinement". In this newsletter we look at some of the issues that can happen when this instance leaks. Full Article
Java 8 includes a new synchronization mechanism called StampedLock. It differentiates between exclusive and non-exclusive locks, similar to the ReentrantReadWriteLock. However, it also allows for optimistic reads, which is not supported by the ReentrantReadWriteLock. In this newsletter, we loo... Full Article
CompletionService queues finished tasks, making it easier to retrieve Futures in order of completion. But it lacks some basic functionality, such as a count of how many tasks have been submitted. Full Article
We present a new type of ExecutorService that allows users to "stripe" their execution in such a way that all tasks belonging to one stripe are executed in-order. Full Article
In this newsletter, it is up to you to figure out how we improved the performance of our previous Fibonacci newsletter by 25%. Full Article
The new Java 7 Fork/Join Framework allows us to define our algorithms using recursion and then to easily parallelize them. In this newsletter we describe how that works using a fast Fibonacci algorithm that uses the sum of the squares rather than brute force. We also present a faster algorithm ... Full Article
Java 7 removes the Swing Event Dispatch Thread (EDT) hack that allowed us to specify an uncaught exception handler for the EDT using a system property sun.awt.exception.handler. Full Article
Did you know that it possible to "try" to synchronize a monitor? In this newsletter we demonstrate how this can be used to avoid deadlocks and to keep the wine coming. Full Article
A quick follow-up to the previous newsletter, to show how the ThisEscape class is compiled, causing the "this" pointer to leak. Full Article
We should never allow references to our objects to escape before all the final fields have been set, otherwise we can cause race conditions. In this newsletter we explore how this is possible to do. Full Article
In this newsletter, we explore a question of how to call a method interleaved from two threads. We show the merits of lock-free busy wait, versus explicit locking. We also discuss an "unbreakable hard spin" that can cause the JVM to hang up. Full Article
A common approach to ensuring serialization consistency in thread safe classes such as Vector, Hashtable or Throwable is to include a synchronized writeObject() method. This can result in a deadlock when the object graph contain a cyclic dependency and we serialize from two threads. Whilst unli... Full Article
Imagine a very stubborn viking father insisting that his equally stubborn child eat its lutefisk before going to sleep. In real life one of the "threads" eventually will give up, but in Java, the threads become deadlocked, with neither giving an inch. In this newsletter we discover how we can s... Full Article
We all expect faster hardware to make our code execute faster and better. In this newsletter we examine why this is not always true. Sometimes the code breaks on faster servers or executes slower than on worse hardware. Full Article
The Law of Cretan Driving looks at what happens when we keep on breaking the rules. Eventually, we might experience a lot of pain when we migrate to a new architecture or Java Virtual Machine. Even if we decide not to obey them, we need to know what they are. In this newsletter, we point you t... Full Article
In good Dilbert style, we want to avoid having Pointy-Haired-Bosses (PHBs) in our code. Commonly called micromanagers, they can make a system work extremely inefficiently. My prediction is that in the next few years, as the number of cores increases per CPU, lock contention is going to be the bi... Full Article
Corruption has a habit of creeping into system that do not have adequate controls over their threads. In this law, we look at how we can detect data races and some ideas to avoid and fix them. Full Article
In this fifth law of concurrency, we look at a deadly law where a field value is written early. Full Article
In this fourth law of concurrency, we look at the problem with visibility of shared variable updates. Quite often, "clever" code that tries to avoid locking in order to remove contention, makes assumptions that may result in serious errors. Full Article
Learn how to write correct concurrent code by understanding the Secrets of Concurrency. This is the third part of a series of laws that help explain how we should be writing concurrent code in Java. In this section, we look at why we should avoid creating unnecessary threads, even if they are n... Full Article
Learn how to write correct concurrent code by understanding the Secrets of Concurrency. This is the second part of a series of laws that help explain how we should be writing concurrent code in Java. We look at how to debug a concurrent program by knowing what every thread in the system is doing. Full Article
Learn how to write correct concurrent code by understanding the Secrets of Concurrency. This is the first part of a series of laws that help explain how we should be writing concurrent code in Java. Full Article
Deadlocks between synchronized monitors are impossible to resolve in Java. In this newsletter we look at a new MXBean that can detect deadlocks between threads and use it to warn us. Full Article
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