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165Starvation with ReadWriteLocks

Author: Dr Heinz M. KabutzDate: 2008-10-14Java Version: 5Category: Performance

Abstract: In this newsletter we examine what happens when a ReadWriteLock is swamped with too many reader or writer threads. If we are not careful, we can cause starvation of the minority in some versions of Java.


Welcome to the 165th issue of The Java(tm) Specialists' Newsletter, sent to you from Wall Street, New York City. New York has to date been the most expensive city that I have visited. Not that prices are particularly high in comparison to Crete, but you can purchase almost anything, twenty four hours a day! Usually when I go to New York, my bank sends me urgent emails confirming that I really am spending all that money on my credit card. In contrast, back home in Crete, items are often double the New York price, but there is very little temptation to spend. Please visit our new self-study course catalog to see how you can upskill your Java knowledge.

Starvation with ReadWriteLocks

On my flight from Greece to New York, I decided to try a different approach to try cope with jet lag. Instead of taking a nap, I forced myself to stay awake, thus adapting immediately to the new time zone. No jet lag at all this time round! To keep myself occupied, I began investigating what happens with ReadWriteLocks in contention situations, which resulted in this newsletter.

I had always thought that with the ReadWriteLock, the write lock would get preference over the read lock. Since the read locks can get allocated concurrently, they could essentially tag-team each other and thus never give a chance to a write lock to enter the critical section. However, something in the back on my mind always told me to try it out. The documentation certainly did not promise that write locks would be given preference, on the contrary, it gave no guarantee.

Writing tests like this can be tricky, so I showed my findings to some of the leading Java concurrency experts, who confirmed that they had similar experiences. My test is probably not perfect, but it does demonstrate what happens when we have many threads acquiring read locks and only few threads acquiring write locks.

To make it more interesting, I gave each thread a bunch of instructions to do in the critical section. Doug Lea recommended in an email that the ReadWriteLock should only be used in cases where the critical section is at least 2000 code statements. Doug also mentioned that the Locks had been modified slightly in Java 6, which may have made the problem of starvation more pronounced. In my experiments, I found that Java 5 was much worse than Java 6 in this regard. Doug Lea also suggested that for most applications, we should rather use the concurrency classes, such as ConcurrentHashMap and ConcurrentLinkedQueue, rather than rely on the ReadWriteLock, which I wholeheartedly agree with.

To be able to test different types of locks, we define a LockFactory interface, with two implementations, ReadWriteLockFactory and StandardLockFactory:

import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
public interface LockFactory {
  Lock createLock(boolean readOnly);

import java.util.concurrent.locks.*;
public class ReadWriteLockFactory implements LockFactory {
  private final ReadWriteLock rwl;

  public ReadWriteLockFactory(boolean fair) {
    rwl = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(fair);

  public Lock createLock(boolean readOnly) {
    return readOnly ? rwl.readLock() : rwl.writeLock();

import java.util.concurrent.locks.*;
public class StandardLockFactory implements LockFactory {
  private final Lock lock;

  public StandardLockFactory(boolean fair) {
    lock = new ReentrantLock(fair);

  public Lock createLock(boolean readOnly) {
    return lock;

We then define a class that implements Runnable and will acquire locks repeatedly, called the LockAcquirer. The LockAcquirer will run until the shared AtomicBoolean running is set to false. We also give it the lock that must be acquired, which could either be a read or a write lock. The CountDownLatches ensure that the threads start and end at the same time. Lastly, the readOnly field helps us to distinguish what the number of calls for both read and write locks was.

In order to see real starvation of threads, I added a work() method, that adds some random numbers and then subtracts them again, thus fooling the hotspot compiler into not removing that particular code. As we've seen in other newsletters, a simple for() loop could be optimized away in a flash. On my dual-core MacBook Pro, we should see both cores at work when we use read locks, but only one at a time when we use write locks.

Here is the code for our LockAcquirer class:

import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.Random;

public class LockAcquirer implements Runnable {
  private final AtomicBoolean running;
  private final Lock lock;
  private final CountDownLatch start;
  private final CountDownLatch finish;
  private final boolean readOnly;
  private long numberOfLockAcquisitions = 0;
  private int work = 50;
  private long offset = calculateOffset();

  private long calculateOffset() {
    Random r = new Random(0);
    long result = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i<work; i++) {
      result += r.nextInt();
    return result;

  public LockAcquirer(AtomicBoolean running,
                    Lock lock, CountDownLatch start,
                    CountDownLatch finish, boolean readOnly) {
    this.running = running;
    this.lock = lock;
    this.start = start;
    this.finish = finish;
    this.readOnly = readOnly;

  public void run() {
    try {
      while (running.get()) {
        try {
        } finally {
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {

  private void work() {
    Random r = new Random(0);
    for(int i=0; i<work; i++) {
      numberOfLockAcquisitions += r.nextInt();
    numberOfLockAcquisitions -= offset;

  public String toString() {
    return String.format("%s%,15d",
        (readOnly ? "RO" : "RW"),

  public long getNumberOfLockAcquisitions() {
    return numberOfLockAcquisitions;

  public boolean isReadOnly() {
    return readOnly;

The last class in the puzzle is called TestLocks. It creates one thread for each LockAcquirer. We use different numbers of reader and writer threads to test whether starvation does indeed occur. If you run this, you can change the field DETAILED_OUTPUT to specify how much information is displayed.

import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;

public class TestLocks {
  private static final int DURATION_SECONDS = 5;
  private static final int TOTAL_LOCKS = 16;
  private static final boolean DETAILED_OUTPUT = false;

  public static void main(String[] args)
      throws InterruptedException {

  private static void test(boolean fair)
      throws InterruptedException {

  private static void readWriteLockTest(boolean fair)
      throws InterruptedException {
    System.out.println("ReentrantReadWriteLock test");
    for (int locks = 1; locks <= TOTAL_LOCKS; locks *= 2) {
      for (int reads = 0; reads <= locks; reads++) {
        int writes = locks - reads;
        test(new ReadWriteLockFactory(fair), reads, writes, fair);

  private static void lockTest(boolean fair)
      throws InterruptedException {
    System.out.println("ReentrantLock test");
    for (int locks = 1; locks < TOTAL_LOCKS; locks++) {
      test(new StandardLockFactory(fair), 0, locks, fair);

  public static void test(LockFactory factory, int reads,
                          int writes, boolean fair)
      throws InterruptedException {
    System.out.printf("RO=%2d, RW=%2d, fair=%b    ",
        reads, writes, fair);
    CountDownLatch start = new CountDownLatch(reads + writes);
    CountDownLatch finish = new CountDownLatch(reads + writes);
    AtomicBoolean running = new AtomicBoolean(true);

    ExecutorService pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(
        reads + writes);

    Collection<LockAcquirer> acquirers =
        new ArrayList<LockAcquirer>();
    for (int i = 0; i < reads + writes; i++) {
      boolean isReadOnly = i >= writes;
      Lock lock = factory.createLock(isReadOnly);
      LockAcquirer acquirer = new LockAcquirer(running,
          lock, start, finish, isReadOnly);

    long totalReads = 0;
    long totalWrites = 0;
    if (DETAILED_OUTPUT) System.out.println();
    for (LockAcquirer acquirer : acquirers) {
      long numberOfLockAcquisitions =
        System.out.printf("##    %,17d%n",

      if (acquirer.isReadOnly()) {
        totalReads += numberOfLockAcquisitions;
      } else {
        totalWrites += numberOfLockAcquisitions;
    System.out.printf("%,17d%,17d%n", totalReads, totalWrites);

What Are We Looking For?

With microbenchmarks, we usually need to have some idea of what output to expect, based on our understanding of the code. If the benchmark is wildly wrong then either our understanding of the code is wrong or our benchmark is flawed. My microbenchmark is possibly a bit simplistic, but Cliff Click confirmed that his more sophisticated benchmark showed similar weaknesses with the ReadWriteLock.

I always assumed that ReadWriteLock would give preference to the WriteLock. If not, the writer thread could be starved of resources if new reader threads kept on entering the critical section in a tag-team fashion. That would result in the WriteLock literally never getting a chance. We're talking of total starvation here! Surely ReadWriteLock would not do that!?

My TestLocks class produced different output for Java 5 and 6. I used JDK 1.6.0_07 and JDK 1.5.0_13 on my MacBook Pro 2.6 dual core. My suspicion is that the more cores you add, the more pronounced the benchmark will become. Unfortunately I don't own enough cool hardware to verify that.

Java 5 Results

First the output for Java 5. Note that as expected, when we have two threads using ReadOnly locks, we get better throughput than with one (first highlighted line). It gets interesting when we use more than two threads. I don't think the number of cores is as important here. When we have three threads accessing ReadLocks and one accessing a WriteLock, the readers access the critical section 2,757,365 times, whereas the writer only 2 times (second highlighted line). We see the same effect with 3 readers / 5 writers and 3 readers / 13 writers (third and fourth highlighted lines). Thus it confirms my worry that although we get added throughput due to the readers being able to access the critical section concurrently, if these threads keep on repeatedly accessing the critical section, they will lock out all writer threads.

    ReentrantReadWriteLock test
    RO= 0, RW= 1, fair=false            0        2,117,034
    RO= 1, RW= 0, fair=false    2,090,567                0
    RO= 0, RW= 2, fair=false            0        1,238,352
    RO= 1, RW= 1, fair=false      339,871          913,259
1.  RO= 2, RW= 0, fair=false    2,728,331                0
    RO= 0, RW= 4, fair=false            0        1,256,089
    RO= 1, RW= 3, fair=false      229,381        1,019,947
    RO= 2, RW= 2, fair=false    2,676,337           11,274
2.  RO= 3, RW= 1, fair=false    2,757,365                2
    RO= 4, RW= 0, fair=false    2,877,727                0
    RO= 0, RW= 8, fair=false            0        1,246,185
    RO= 1, RW= 7, fair=false       72,935        1,170,020
    RO= 2, RW= 6, fair=false    2,649,444           19,693
3.  RO= 3, RW= 5, fair=false    2,856,555                5
    RO= 4, RW= 4, fair=false    2,854,140                4
    RO= 5, RW= 3, fair=false    2,881,890                3
    RO= 6, RW= 2, fair=false    2,958,654                2
    RO= 7, RW= 1, fair=false    3,108,282                1
    RO= 8, RW= 0, fair=false    3,233,558                0
    RO= 0, RW=16, fair=false            0        1,234,477
    RO= 1, RW=15, fair=false       61,381        1,181,331
    RO= 2, RW=14, fair=false      976,371          749,589
4.  RO= 3, RW=13, fair=false    2,855,692               13
    RO= 4, RW=12, fair=false    2,941,074               12
    RO= 5, RW=11, fair=false    2,918,760               11
    RO= 6, RW=10, fair=false    2,921,576               10
    RO= 7, RW= 9, fair=false    3,185,453                9
    RO= 8, RW= 8, fair=false    3,206,795                8
    RO= 9, RW= 7, fair=false    3,343,547                7
    RO=10, RW= 6, fair=false    3,359,844            1,018
    RO=11, RW= 5, fair=false    3,180,840              677
    RO=12, RW= 4, fair=false    3,542,919                4
    RO=13, RW= 3, fair=false    3,638,226                3
    RO=14, RW= 2, fair=false    3,694,536                2
    RO=15, RW= 1, fair=false    3,688,920                1
    RO=16, RW= 0, fair=false    3,677,340                0

The normal Locks show typical behaviour, so it is not that interesting to look at. Here are the values for completeness:

    ReentrantLock test
    RO= 0, RW= 1, fair=false    0        2,105,577
    RO= 0, RW= 2, fair=false    0        1,233,695
    RO= 0, RW= 3, fair=false    0        1,199,802
    RO= 0, RW= 4, fair=false    0        1,231,030
    RO= 0, RW= 5, fair=false    0        1,229,788
    RO= 0, RW= 6, fair=false    0        1,216,533
    RO= 0, RW= 7, fair=false    0        1,229,848
    RO= 0, RW= 8, fair=false    0        1,285,035
    RO= 0, RW= 9, fair=false    0        1,251,308
    RO= 0, RW=10, fair=false    0        1,226,727
    RO= 0, RW=11, fair=false    0        1,239,005
    RO= 0, RW=12, fair=false    0        1,231,186
    RO= 0, RW=13, fair=false    0        1,237,608
    RO= 0, RW=14, fair=false    0        1,501,639
    RO= 0, RW=15, fair=false    0        1,303,815

It gets interesting again when we add fairness to the picture. With single threads or when there are only reads happening, we see similar throughput as with unfair locks (highlighted line 1). We also see that there is no more starvation happening with our readers. However, the throughput is also much lower than before. In the past, the total throughput (reads plus writes) was between 2.5 and 3.5 million, now it hardly reaches 0.5 million (highlighted lines 2 and 3). We see that fairness is a throughput killer, also confirmed inJava Concurrency in Practice.

    ReentrantReadWriteLock test
    RO= 0, RW= 1, fair=true            0        2,072,787
    RO= 1, RW= 0, fair=true    2,060,310                0
    RO= 0, RW= 2, fair=true            0          565,702
    RO= 1, RW= 1, fair=true      275,904          275,624
    RO= 2, RW= 0, fair=true    2,682,398                0
    RO= 0, RW= 4, fair=true            0          443,952
    RO= 1, RW= 3, fair=true      110,523          331,542
    RO= 2, RW= 2, fair=true      234,798          234,772
    RO= 3, RW= 1, fair=true      402,339          134,095
1.  RO= 4, RW= 0, fair=true    2,918,238                0
    RO= 0, RW= 8, fair=true            0          439,975
    RO= 1, RW= 7, fair=true       54,965          384,712
    RO= 2, RW= 6, fair=true      111,827          335,442
    RO= 3, RW= 5, fair=true      171,148          285,232
    RO= 4, RW= 4, fair=true      238,927          238,915
    RO= 5, RW= 3, fair=true      318,833          191,296
    RO= 6, RW= 2, fair=true      415,278          138,424
    RO= 7, RW= 1, fair=true      556,224           79,317
    RO= 8, RW= 0, fair=true    3,145,546                0
2.  RO= 0, RW=16, fair=true            0          438,235
    RO= 1, RW=15, fair=true       27,571          413,475
    RO= 2, RW=14, fair=true       54,852          383,873
    RO= 3, RW=13, fair=true       83,335          361,065
    RO= 4, RW=12, fair=true      111,132          333,361
    RO= 5, RW=11, fair=true      142,440          313,366
    RO= 6, RW=10, fair=true      171,931          286,555
3.  RO= 7, RW= 9, fair=true      211,226          271,570
    RO= 8, RW= 8, fair=true      240,015          240,012
    RO= 9, RW= 7, fair=true      278,216          216,392
    RO=10, RW= 6, fair=true      322,074          193,246
    RO=11, RW= 5, fair=true      374,487          170,221
    RO=12, RW= 4, fair=true      422,841          140,949
    RO=13, RW= 3, fair=true      488,080          112,634
    RO=14, RW= 2, fair=true      565,221           80,748
    RO=15, RW= 1, fair=true      678,649           44,844
    RO=16, RW= 0, fair=true    3,721,636                0

Just how fair the ReentrantLock is (and how poor the throughput can be), is seen in the figures below:

    ReentrantLock test
    RO= 0, RW= 1, fair=true    0        2,078,251
    RO= 0, RW= 2, fair=true    0          555,530
    RO= 0, RW= 3, fair=true    0          440,922
    RO= 0, RW= 4, fair=true    0          443,428
    RO= 0, RW= 5, fair=true    0          441,595
    RO= 0, RW= 6, fair=true    0          441,867
    RO= 0, RW= 7, fair=true    0          442,270
    RO= 0, RW= 8, fair=true    0          441,479
    RO= 0, RW= 9, fair=true    0          443,839
    RO= 0, RW=10, fair=true    0          442,190
    RO= 0, RW=11, fair=true    0          444,120
    RO= 0, RW=12, fair=true    0          440,291
    RO= 0, RW=13, fair=true    0          443,763
    RO= 0, RW=14, fair=true    0          440,695
    RO= 0, RW=15, fair=true    0          444,110

We saw that for Java 5, we can see serious starvation of our writer threads to the point where they never get a chance.

Java 6 Results

Let's now take a look at the figures for Java 6. The figures for fair locks and the normal ReentrantLock are very similar in their nature to Java 5, so I will just show unfair ReadWriteLocks. They do not degrade the writers as badly as in Java 5. An interesting phenomenon is that the readers seem to be starved by the writers (highlighted lines 1 and 2). Perhaps the locks were modified to counteract the starvation of Java 5 and this might have been overcompensated? We also see that as the readers increase, the writers get disadvantaged, but not as seriously as in Java 5 (highlighted line 3 and 4). Even though there are 6 readers and 10 writers, the readers manage to read more than 10 times more frequently (in total) than the writers. The detailed output for this case is shown below.

    ReentrantReadWriteLock test
    RO= 0, RW= 1, fair=false            0        4,386,864
    RO= 1, RW= 0, fair=false    3,929,583                0
    RO= 0, RW= 2, fair=false            0        2,724,154
1.  RO= 1, RW= 1, fair=false        8,515        2,630,659
    RO= 2, RW= 0, fair=false    5,687,455                0
    RO= 0, RW= 4, fair=false            0        2,515,201
    RO= 1, RW= 3, fair=false        2,848        2,602,498
    RO= 2, RW= 2, fair=false       28,315        2,476,875
    RO= 3, RW= 1, fair=false    5,193,481          394,732
    RO= 4, RW= 0, fair=false    5,902,569                0
    RO= 0, RW= 8, fair=false            0        2,662,787
2.  RO= 1, RW= 7, fair=false          647        2,662,818
    RO= 2, RW= 6, fair=false        3,460        2,693,680
    RO= 3, RW= 5, fair=false    3,474,177        1,234,051
3.  RO= 4, RW= 4, fair=false    4,699,560          584,991
    RO= 5, RW= 3, fair=false    5,296,241          293,361
    RO= 6, RW= 2, fair=false    5,699,336           87,412
    RO= 7, RW= 1, fair=false    5,781,451           54,931
    RO= 8, RW= 0, fair=false    6,063,859                0
    RO= 0, RW=16, fair=false            0        2,654,262
    RO= 1, RW=15, fair=false          479        2,688,341
    RO= 2, RW=14, fair=false        2,052        2,693,743
    RO= 3, RW=13, fair=false    2,672,766        1,514,596
    RO= 4, RW=12, fair=false    3,402,001        1,206,118
    RO= 5, RW=11, fair=false    2,523,643        1,585,372
4.  RO= 6, RW=10, fair=false    4,873,365          555,011
    RO= 7, RW= 9, fair=false    5,094,895          362,255
    RO= 8, RW= 8, fair=false    5,365,968          310,056
    RO= 9, RW= 7, fair=false    5,394,899          283,084
    RO=10, RW= 6, fair=false    5,650,911          220,294
    RO=11, RW= 5, fair=false    5,971,020          171,484
    RO=12, RW= 4, fair=false    5,916,624          159,303
    RO=13, RW= 3, fair=false    6,193,914          117,573
    RO=14, RW= 2, fair=false    5,969,253           74,979
    RO=15, RW= 1, fair=false    6,187,903           32,918
    RO=16, RW= 0, fair=false    6,415,678                0

Here is the detailed output for the case where we have 6 reader and 10 writer threads:

    RO= 6, RW=10, fair=false
    ##               48,849
    ##               40,850
    ##               74,406
    ##               83,103
    ##               45,319
    ##               54,664
    ##               62,691
    ##               56,161
    ##               35,511
    ##               53,457
    ##              958,901
    ##              857,711
    ##              867,904
    ##              772,812
    ##              804,360
    ##              611,677
            4,873,365          555,011

We see that starvation has become better managed in Java 6, but it still appears to be a potential problem. We also see that when we have several readers, the throughput will be related to the number of actual cores available, which proves that the readers are happening in parallel.


In a way, I am surprised that ReadWriteLocks are as bad as they are. I really thought that write locks would get priority over read locks, since not doing that would result in obvious starvation scenarios. Instead, with Java 5, as soon as you have 3 or more read threads, you can expect complete starvation of the writer threads. With Java 6, the situation has improved somewhat.

In my understanding of these values, we should probably never use ReadWriteLocks in Java 5. It is just too risky. In Java 6, we can use the ReadWriteLock when we are willing to wait for our writers to get an opportunity to acquire the lock. It seems that they won't get locked out completely, but it might take some time before they are serviced. Fairness does not really help us consistenly, since it also reduces the throughput.

Instead of using ReadWriteLock, we rather recommend that you use higher level concurrency classes such as the atomic classes, the ConcurrentHashMap and ConcurrentLinkedQueue.

Kind regards




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