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Black Friday 2021

Java Specialists Superpack 21 - $1870 $1370

Our most popular bundle for four years in a row is the Java Specialist Superpack. It includes everything we have produced so far. Plus, if you purchase the Superpack 21 now, you get a free upgrade to the Superpack 22 when that comes out. Purchased individually, the courses add up to $3740. The Java Concurrency Super Bundle is sold for just $1870. However, until the 4th of December 2021, we have our Black Friday pricing for just $1370! Grab your bundle by clicking here.

If you would prefer to pay off the Superpack 21 over 10 months, then we have a special offer for you as well. Instead of $187 a month, we have discounted this as well to just $137 a month, which should be well within the ability of most professional programmers. Please click here for the installment plan.

Java Concurrency Super Bundle - $1270 $999

Java programmers ought to have a good understanding of how concurrency works in Java. In this exciting bundle, we focus entirely on concurrency. Purchased individually, the courses add up to $2231. The Java Concurrency Super Bundle is sold for just $1270. However, until the 4th of December 2021, we have our Black Friday pricing for just $999! Grab your bundle by clicking here.

Here is what we include in this great bundle, with over 56 hours of study material:

  1. 43m Threading Essentials
  2. 14h34m Extreme Java - Concurrency Performance
  3. 3h55m Teardown 01 - ArrayBlockingQueue
  4. 3h54m Teardown 02 - Copy-on-Write Array List and Set
  5. 1h1m Thread Safety with Phaser
  6. 3h54m Mastering Threads
  7. 2h30m Transmogrifier: Java NIO and Non-Blocking IO (includes live Q&A)
  8. 21h27m Concurrency Specialist Course
  9. 4h13m Solving Java Memory Leaks Live Class 2019-02-04

Java Core Super Bundle - $1270 $999

For those who don't care about concurrency (yet), we have a bundle that focuses on other areas of Java. Purchased individually, the courses add up to $2881. The Java Core Super Bundle is sold for just $1270. However, until the 4th of December 2021, we have our Black Friday pricing for just $999! Grab your bundle by clicking here.

Here is what we include in this great bundle, with over 133 hours of study material:

  1. 1h42m Juppies - A complete beginners course for learning Java
  2. 5h8m Juppies 2 - How to think like a Java programmer
  3. 3h27m Bits&Bytes
  4. 8h11m Data Structures in Java
  5. 34m Build Your Own CircularArrayList In Under 34 Minutes
  6. 3h21m Data Structures in Java Quiz Walkthrough
  7. 3h18m IntelliJ Wizardry with Heinz Kabutz
  8. 4h46m Refactoring to Java 8 Streams and Lambdas Online Self- Study Workshop
  9. 16h20m Java Design Patterns
  10. 2h30m Transmogrifier: Java NIO and Non-Blocking IO
  11. 9h35m Extreme Java - Advanced Topics
  12. 9h30m Dynamic Proxies in Java
  13. 12h58m JavaSpecialists Tips and Tricks 2010-2017
  14. 14h24m Heinz's Happy Hour Webinar Season 01
  15. 11h29m Heinz's Happy Hour Webinar Season 02
  16. 13h18m Heinz's Happy Hour Webinar Season 03
  17. 12h49m Java Design Patterns Course (2011 Edition)

Enjoy and happy Black Friday!


Why is the price on the Teachable page different?

All prices listed on this page exclude EU VAT and other local taxes. Be sure to select "Add business details" if you are purchasing through your company and would like to add an EU VAT number.

What if I am unhappy with the course?

We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days, and we will give you a full refund and deregister you from the course.

Contact Information


Company Address

Cretesoft Limited
Strovolos Center, Off. 204
77 Strovolou Ave
2018 Strovolos
VAT#: CY 10239985K